About Us
Founded in 2019, Grace Fellowship exists to glorify God by testifying to the gospel of Jesus Christ in our message, and in our lives together.
Statement of Faith
Church Covenant
What to Expect
on a Sunday Morning
Spring Hill Academy Preschool: 2001 Campbell Station Pkwy B-8, Spring Hill, TN 37174
10:00 – Fellowship
10:30 – Worship & Sermon, Toddler & Infant Nursery
Our preaching is expositional, unfolding each text of Scripture in such a way that glorifies God, stays faithful to His Word and not to our own agenda, and stirs the hearer to action.
Our worship is focused on glorifying God above all, encouraging the humble offering of praise, thanksgiving, and reverence to the Giver of all things through Jesus Christ our Lord. We do this by singing rich hymns, both old and new, reading Scripture together, praying, and preaching through God’s Word.
We observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month. It is a vital time for the church body as we examine ourselves together, remember the sacrificial love of Christ that we are united around, and are reminded that our nourishment in this world is the Bread of Life.
Our Fellowship is intentional, and dependent on the Spirit. Fellowship is sharing life together, building one another up, and bearing one another’s burdens. It is speaking truth to each other, and hearing truth from each other with joy and humility. Find out how you can get involved here.
Children’s class is at 9:15 am for grades K-8. The nursery, for infants and toddlers, is available during the 9:15 and 10:30 services.
Pastor and elder
Kevin has pastored Grace Fellowship since the beginning of 2019 and has served in pastoral ministry since 2012. He graduated from Boyce College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is committed to shepherding and preaching according to God’s Word. Kevin and his wife, Sara, have been married for for twenty years. They have four wonderful children.
ElderLee is also a founding member. He serves by coordinating and leading Grace Fellowship’s worship ministry. He and his wife, Michelle, have three children.
A founding member of Grace Fellowship, Bob has decades of experience serving in the church and is a retired family lawyer. He and his wife Lynn have been married 55 years and are blessed with three children and eight grandchildren.
An elder since 2024, Travis and his wife and family are dedicated to training pastors overseas.
Scott Harrison, Deacon of Media
Connor Jordan, Deacon of Administration
Robert Martin, Deacon of Finance
Gene Mefferd, Deacon of Service Operations
Mary Mefferd, Deaconess of Hospitality
Paul Mefferd, Deacon of Administration
Kevin Pine, Deacon of Administration