
Weekly Announcements

Upcoming Events 

Men’s Fellowship Night
Tuesday, February 18th -
The men will meet at the Legacy Coffee Shop at 6:30 pm. The coffee shop will not be staffed so bring your own coffee!

Teen Bible Study
Wednesday, February 19th -
Teen Bible Study meeting at the Mittens house at 6:30 pm. Charity Mitten, Scott Harrison, and Josh Green will be leading. Books will be provided. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any of the above leaders.

Women’s Psalm Study
Thursday, February 20th -
Ladies Psalm Study meeting from 6:30-8pm at Olivia Reeves home. For any questions or the address please contact Heather Watts.

Grace’s Bridal Shower
Sunday, February 23rd - We are gathering together at 3pm to shower Grace and Andrew with gifts to start their life together. Contact Aleah Green to RSVP.

Sunday, March 16th - The small group lesson will start at 6:00 pm, but if you want to eat dinner together, please arrive at 5:30. If you would like to be a part of a small group and have not signed up yet, please get in touch with Lauren Ivanoff.


Food Pantry Donations
Current Need: Boxed goods like rice, pasta, oatmeal, cereal, crackers, etc.. There is a box in the lobby labeled “feed my sheep” for collecting donations. Donations needed by February 19th. Contact Eva Rena for additional information. Thank you so much for considering assisting in this manner!

Mom’s Group
If you want to connect with our group of moms and little ones for play dates and more, please get in touch with Lauren Ivanoff at laurenivanoff2019@gmail.com. 

Grace Fellowship Teacher Training
The next workshop date will be posted soon. If you wish to participate or have questions, please contact Lauren Ivanoff or Travis Mitten.

Missions Updates
Please be praying for Travis’s ministry with MISSIOServe.