Merry Christmas!

Hey Church,

I’m having a hard time believing that I’m writing a Christmas letter to you! It feels like January was only a few months ago, and we were meeting at Spring Hill Middle School (or trying to, at least!). The Lord has been very kind to us, as we walked together with brothers and sisters through some very difficult times, and joyful ones as well. He was kind to us in allowing us to meet at Concordia all year, and have some stability in knowing where we’d be each Sunday.

I’m so very thankful for each of you, and remember that often as I pray for you. I’d love to list off all the people who work so hard to keep our church going, from serving behind the scenes to helping in public roles, to sharing hospitality and love throughout the week (which is so incredibly vital to the life of our church), but if I tried to name names, I’d pretty much end up naming everyone!

It’s also been a wonderful year in God’s Word, as we’ve poured through the book of John, as we started a Sunday School hour, and as we started the Fellowship Nights at Northside. Our teachers have done an amazing job, and we’ve also been so happy with the curriculum we use from Truth78. I’ve been thankful to see and hear how we’ve been growing spiritually as we spend time in God’s Word. May that ever be true!

Lastly, I’m ending this year so excited about what is to come in 2023. Our goal is to continue by God’s grace to forge a community that is united by Jesus Christ- his truth and his love. We have several things coming in January that I pray God will use to aid us in growing together into him who is our Head, into Christ. We hope in 2023 to focus on prayer together in our community, and on proclaiming Christ together as well. Pray for us and engage with us as we strive to live life together in Christ. It takes real intentionality on everyone’s part!

Thank you, and more importantly, thank the Lord for all that He’s done in redeeming us from our sins and making us his holy children. Such undeserved love and grace!! Merry Christmas!



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