Theology Class Resources

This page is where we will posting resources that are mentioned in our sunday school class, “Theology: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?” If you have a question or a topic you’d like to see covered in this class, please fill out this form and let me know! You can catch up on the classes on Spotify here!

  • Recommended Articles:

    Class Quotes:

    • “There is nothing more foolish or self-defeating than for a Christian to say that he is not interested in doctrines.” – D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

    • “For many Christians, words such as doctrine and theology- and especially systematic theology- conjure up images of intellectual pride, divisiveness, and the presumption that we can put God in a box, neatly explained by our categories and formulations.” – Michael Horton, “The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology For Pilgrims on the Way”

    • “Christianity is much more than getting your doctrine right. But it is not less.” – Kevin DeYoung

    • “What I believe about God is the most important thing about me.” – A.W. Tozer

    • “All of us have constructed a superstructure of life assumptions that functions as the instrument we use to make sense of life.” – Paul Tripp, Do You Believe?

    • “My dear laymen, laymen must be theologians. No, they need not be professional theologians. They need not study Greek and Hebrew. They need not necessarily be able to teach other people. But they must be theologians. That is, they must know God. They must have sound knowledge about God. They may not excuse themselves from having clear and correct opinions about the Deity on the ground that they are not ordained to full-time church work but have been called to some other service.” – John Gerstner

    • “The enemy of your soul will gladly give you your formal theology, if in your real daily life he can control the thoughts and motives of your heart and, in so doing, control the way you act, react, and respond.” – Paul Tripp, “Do You Believe? 12 Historic Doctrines to Change Your Everyday Life”

    • “What you believe inevitably governs what and how you love, and love is at the heart of sincere worship. “ – Tom Ascol

  • Class Notes

    Class Quotes

    • “All human thinking requires some presupposed framework that defines reality and explains, in the first place, how it is possible that we can know anything at all.” – Al Mohler

    • “Man’s attempted autonomy has robbed him of reality. He has nothing to be sure of when his imagination soars beyond the stars, if there is nothing to guarantee a distinction between reality and fantasy. But on the basis of the Christian epistemology, this confusion is ended, the alienation is healed. This is the heart of the problem of knowing, and it is not solved until our knowledge fits under the apex of the infinite-personal, Triune God who is there and who is not silent.” – Francis Schaeffer

  • Class Notes

    Class Quotes

    • “No sooner do I conceive of the one, then I am illumined by the splendor of the three; no sooner do I distinguish them than I am carried back to the One.” – Gregory of Nazianzus

    • “God’s love is an eternal love, that had no beginning, that shall have no ending; that cannot be heightened by any act of ours, that cannot be lessened by anything in us.” – John Owen

  • Class Notes

  • Class Notes


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